
Laila Alawa

Laila Alawa

Laila Alawa


Disclaimer: the work linked below reflects the view of the author and does not necessarily reflect the view of ISPU.

Laila Alawa is the Founder and CEO of The Tempest, the global tech and media company changing the narrative of diverse millennial women in the world. Previously, Laila worked with the White House and Congress. Her work with the Department of Homeland Security drew national controversy amidst bigotry. She worked as a research specialist at Princeton University, examining socio-cognitive processing within community identity and belonging. As an undergraduate at Wellesley College, Laila researched stereotype threat for women in sciences and consumer behaviorism, and was published in Psychology of Women Quarterly. The New York Times called her a disruptive force in media.


Bachelor’s Degree, Psychology, Education Studies, Wellesley College

Areas of Expertise

  1. American Muslims
  2. Demographics and Diversity
  3. Gender
  4. Islamophobia
  5. Media and Creative Expression
  6. Muslims in the West
  7. Social Justice
  8. Politics


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