
ISPU Inaugural NextGen Advisory Council

ISPU NextGen Advisory Council participants directly shape ISPU’s organizational strategy, programs and nationwide community engagement. Through collaboration with ISPU board, staff, and scholars, the ISPU NextGen Advisory Council will both provide insight and advice to ISPU and gain valuable skills in nonprofit leadership and nonprofit boards.

Through participating in select ISPU Board activities and interacting with ISPU staff, Council members will learn nonprofit best practices while providing invaluable advice to ISPU’s Board of Directors, helping to shape communications and fundraising strategies and actively contributing to national research projects, publications and education with their insights, perspectives and experiences.


Who are we looking for?

    • Council members 18-25 years old
    • Those who hold an interest in serving American Muslim communities
    • Those with an interest in nonprofit administration and programming

What will the NextGen Advisory Council be?

    • 3-5 members total
    • An 18-month inaugural cohort timeline, all conducted virtually
    • Managed by ISPU Executive Director Meira Neggaz and ISPU Director of Finance Nadia Ahmed


  1. First-hand experience with an award-winning national nonprofit Board of Directors committed to providing research and education for and about American Muslims in order to build understanding and strengthen communities.
  2. Participation in a diverse, highly collaborative group with ISPU Board, staff and other young adults representing different backgrounds, identities, and regions of the United States. 
  3. An opportunity to share your perspective and voice, contributing to institutional strategies around communications, fundraising and programs, and contributing to specific projects including podcasts, social media, research publications, and more. 
  4. Development of skills for nonprofit board governance and leadership, fundraising, communications, and program development and implementation.
  5. An opportunity to highlight your participation on resumes and higher education/scholarship applications and utilizing ISPU as a reference when seeking employment or academic programs.
  6. While this is an unpaid volunteer role, participants may complete the program for individual community service/volunteer hours and ISPU can provide confirmation of those hours if needed.


    • While being a member of our NextGen Advisory Council is not a significant time commitment, we do require participants to attend quarterly Council meetings, regular board committee meetings, and remain engaged with the work we’re doing throughout the 18-month commitment
    • The 2022 cohort will meet from July 2022–December 2023 (18 months total).
    • Participants are required to attend a minimum of 3 of the 4 quarterly Council meetings.
    • Participants are required to participate in at least one Board of Directors Committee including evening meetings every 4-8 weeks (governance, finance, development, racial equity or strategic planning).
    • Participants must also be willing to share ISPU information (i.e. social media posts, email communications, etc.) with their networks.
    • There will be additional opportunities to provide advice and participate in other projects including: strategic planning, fundraising, social media campaigns, podcast recordings, research planning, and more. Participants are expected to participate in a minimum of 3 different projects over the course of their 18-month commitment.
    • Participants are encouraged to donate to ISPU each year of their service in a personally meaningful way. The amount is not important, but participation in giving is ideal.


Anyone currently living in the USA or US-territories, who is between the ages of 18 and 25 on April 1, 2022, is welcome and encouraged to submit an online application. Applications are due: Saturday, April 30, 2022.

Email nextgen@ispu.org with questions.

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